Kitto's Site


Hello! I'm Kitto, and this is my site. I am still learning HTML and CSS, so please forgive any mistakes! I want to share lots of cool things on this site, including but not limited to my artwork and creations, information about things I like, and lists of things I thought worth checking out. I don't know how often I will update this site, but I want to change the site's style somewhat frequently - right now it is christmas-themed! (Say hi to Christmas Kitty!) Additionally, not all links are currently in perfect working order - they may not lead to anywhere, or the place they lead to will have no CSS and barebones HTML. Be aware I am working on it! And please have fun poking around regardless! Thank you!!

Need a place to start? Why not my minecraft mod?


12/9/2023 - Updated the home page of the site to have CSS! It is a christmas theme. Changed the theme of several other pages as well.